Most used parts of Boost [closed]

When I discovered boost::lexical_cast I thought to myself "why didn't I know about this sooner!" - I hated having to write code like

stringstream ss;
ss << anIntVal;
mystring = ss.str();

Now I write

mystring = boost::lexical_cast<string>(anIntVal);

Yesterday, on stackoverflow, I came across boost split (another gem that will save me writing code).

string stringtobesplit = "AA/BB-CC")
vector<string> tokens;

boost::split(tokens, stringtobesplit, boost::is_any_of("/-")); 
// tokens now holds 3 items: AA BB CC

I am going to start looking through boost documentation looking for other functions that I will be able to use regularly, but I feel that it will be very easy to miss things.

What boost functions do you use most / would hate not to have?

Solution 1:

Probably the most used part of boost for me is boost::shared_ptr.

Solution 2:

BOOST_FOREACH makes life worthwhile again.

(Why has nobody mentioned this? The question was asked 8 months ago!)