How to delete a group in Skype?

I created a group with 2 people in it in Skype. I want to delete the group.

Where is the option for that?

Right click the group you wish to delete and select Remove From Your Contacts.

enter image description here

Note: this doesn't delete the contacts inside the group, only the group itself.

If you are admin (creator) of that group, you can remove all members from that group and then leave the group. It will delete the group truly. That means no skype user could not be able to use (e.g. see history, send/receive message) that group anymore.

Option presents on skype panel. Select the group you wish to delete. right click and select delete option.

And you're done.

There really is no option to delete an entire group, except to click Leave Group, and then Hide or Block the group account.