Bootcamp Windows does not wake from sleep

I'd really like to post this as a comment because it isn't really an answer - but I don't have the available rep.

I'm having the exact same issue (in terms of failing to wake from sleep). I'm here from Google - on a Mid 15 rMBP. It happens on both Windows and a Linux distribution (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS), but not on macOS. I am having a similar symptom. That is: the haptic feedback on the touchpad remains active. The device never wakes up, either on a keystroke, clicking the touchpad or pressing the power button.

I have attempted to reset both the SMC and PRAM to no avail. May I suggest attempting that and seeing how you go?

The only potential explanation I have come across is that the symptoms developed after I installed an OWC Aura aftermarket SSD. That said, I was not using boot camp immediately prior to installing the OWC SSD. I contacted OWC's support and they have had no reports. Do you by any chance use one of these? I haven't had the time to switch back to my OEM SSD.