No connection to network drive MacOS 10.15 (Catalina)

Solution 1:

I was able to resolve this (temporarily) by restarting my Mac. I later discovered that I could restart the Finder to resolve it. Apparently the Finder app is responsible for network connections for other applications too.

While this does not prevent the reoccurrence, restarting Finder is a minor inconvenience. Hopefully this is a bug that Apple will resolve.

How to Relaunch the Finder

  • Hold the ⌥ and ⌘ keys while right-clicking on the Finder dock icon → Relaunch


  • Open  Menu → Force Quit… → Finder -> Relaunch

Solution 2:

I ran into the same issue. Some SMB servers use NetBIOS and NetBIOS is disabled by default in MacOS 10.15 (Catalina). is a blog post that talks about it and lists the following steps to fix it.

By default, Apple has disabled NetBIOS in MacOS 10.5 to speed up SMB operations like mounting, browsing and connecting to an SMB share. If you own an SMB printer/file server from the past (i.e., legacy or old) that requires NetBIOS to connect, then these devices won’t connect by default in Catalina like the prior version of MacOS.

In order to access these legacy SMB systems, you need to follow the below steps.

  • Check if your system has a /etc/nsmb.conf file. If one does not exist then do the following. Open the app Terminal. Type touch /etc/nsmb.conf to create the file.

  • Edit this file in your favorite editor and ensure the following lines are present in the file


Alternative, you can execute the below comments in your Terminal.

echo "[default]" | sudo tee -a /etc/nsmb.conf 
echo "port445=both" | sudo tee -a /etc/nsmb.conf

Disable NetBIOS

Simply delete the /etc/nsmb.conf file or rename it something like nsmb.conf.old

Solution 3:

The method mentioned in is a blog post that talks about it and lists the following steps to fix it. Should work. if this doesn't then there is some valid reason.

I'm the original author of that medium post & have seen one failure point till now. I.e., When you have SMB network Drive (or) Printer connect & you disconnect that network. Later when you try to connect it will give an error stating unable to connect. What you need to do here is manually reconnect to that server then only it will work.