How can I delete Docker images by tag, preferably with wildcarding?
I have some automated processes that spew a bunch of Docker images tagged with meaningful labels. The labels follow a structured pattern.
Is there a way to find and delete images by tag? So assume I have images:
junk/root stuff_687805
junk/root stuff_384962
Ideally I'd like to be able to do: docker rmi -tag stuff_*
Any good way to simulate that?
Using only docker filtering:
docker rmi $(docker images --filter=reference="*:stuff_*" -q)
filter allows you to filter images using a wildcard; -
option is for displaying only image IDs.
Update: Wildcards are matched like paths. That means if your image id is my-company/my-project/my-service:v123
then the *
won't match it, but the */*/*
will. See the github issue for description.
Fun with bash:
docker rmi $(docker images | grep stuff_ | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 3)