"Anachronism" is to "time" as what is to "space"?

Is there a noun for something that is "out of place" in space, like an anachronism is "out of place" in time? E.g., an old-timey barber shop in a chic neighborhood.

Solution 1:

I looked up the Greek root for place and thought, "hey, maybe I'll coin my own: anatopism." Except that it's already been done.

Solution 2:


(which also works for replacing anachronistic as well as 'not in the right location')

Solution 3:

A few options (mostly not nouns, however):

  • misfit
  • sticks out
  • out of sync
  • misplaced
  • misaligned

Solution 4:

The answer is anachorism defined in dictionaries as:


the placing of a scene, character, event, etc., where it clearly does not belong, either for special effect or as an oversight. See also anachronism. — anachoristic, adj.

An action, event, character or scene which is out of time sequence.