Word for someone who does not accept the fact because he belongs to a different group [duplicate]

I belong to political party A and my friend belongs to party B. Whenever I present the fact with proper data, he still doesn't accept it telling some reasons not to accept the fact.

Is there any word for this kind of person?

Solution 1:

Biased or prejudiced is the term you are looking for

Solution 2:

I'd suggest opinionated: it suggests not just having opinions, but that those opinions are unshakeable even in the teeth of compelling evidence.

If you want something a little more blunt, try pig-headed or bigoted.

I should say, though, that in the political context you mention, the term employed often depends on which side of the political spectrum is making the accusation: Luddite, bleeding heart, etc.

Solution 3:

Your friend might be a sore loser/poor sport, i.e. someone who doesn't like to accept defeat and sticks to their guns even when they're proven wrong.

stick to one's guns; also stand by one's guns (chiefly AmEng)

Fig. to remain firm in one's convictions; to stand up for one's rights. (based on a soldier remaining in place to fire a gun even when all appears to be lost.)(emphasis is mine.)

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs

To refuse to change one's beliefs or actions.

Etymology: based on the military meaning of stick to your guns (to continue shooting at an enemy although it puts you in great danger)

Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms

Also, consider hardliner

HARDLINER - Someone who sticks to established doctrines without consideration of falibility. also: dogmatic


It sounds like your friend is a hardliner and you'll never convince him.


Solution 4:

Try adamant - not willing to change an opinion or decision or refusing to be persuaded or to change one’s mind.

In your case the guy does is not open to opinions because he's adamant.