Multiple try-catch or one?

It depends. If you want to provide special handling for specific errors then use multiple catch blocks:

    // code that throws an exception
    // this line won't execute
catch (StackOverflowException ex)
    // special handling for StackOverflowException 
catch (Exception ex)
   // all others

If, however, the intent is to handle an exception and continue executing, place the code in separate try-catch blocks:

    // code that throws an exception

catch (Exception ex)
   // handle

    // this code will execute unless the previous catch block 
    // throws an exception (re-throw or new exception) 
catch (Exception ex)
   // handle

If I could choose the second I would probably separate this into two functions.

Neither, just use multiple catch blocks for specific exceptions (unless there is just a ton of code in the block and only a couple of lines may throw an exception.In that case I would go with the second method).