Pokemon not showing up or spawning

Solution 1:

This feels like a shadow ban, if you can see common Pokemon but not rares ones, then you're most likely shadow banned. One quick way to check is check with someone else who's playing the game, if they can see a rare nearby while you can't, then welcome to your shadow ban.

Shadow bans are temporary though so if you resume normal activity, it should resolve itself and the ban should be lifted.

Also, I am sure there's no foul play involved, but in case there is, make sure to remove access from any 3rd party apps and change your Pokemon Go password.

If this the shadow ban doesn't get lifted soon, you can also contact Niantic.

  • Go to https://niantic.helpshift.com/a/pokemon-go/?ticket_form_id=233187&p=web&contact=1
  • Enter your trainer name (the exact name on your account) and email address.
  • Explain your situation.
  • Hit Submit.