How To Connect to Wireless Network in Lubuntu?

Im new to lubuntu have used ubuntu before there is no nm-applet in lubuntu. So how to connect? Pls help

Solution 1:

Try this. Install Network Manager. To do that, just press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open Terminal. When it opens, run the command(s) below:

sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome

Once done, you can setup the wireless network. type the following command to start the manager:


Solution 2:

Another (easier) way to have the network manager in the panel (bottom right) is this:

I am quoting from this article: Fix Lubuntu / Xubuntu 14.04 Network Manager Missing From The Panel.

To fix the Network Manager not showing up on the panel issue, from the Lubuntu menu select Preferences > Default applications for LXSession, then click on the Autostart tab and under "Manual autostarted applications" type "nm-applet", then click the "+ Add" button on the left.

Then log out and log back in. The new icon should be present in the panel - bottom right. Use that icon to manage network connections.

If this doesn't work have a look at the link above, there is more to it.