Is it possible to view WebP images in nautilus / photo program?

I've converted some images from jpeg to google's WebP image format, which reduces my images' size by about 90%!

The big problem is that WebP images can only be viewed with a web browser, not with nautilus (the thumbnails) and/or any photo program at all. It seems that at this moment there is only a codec for Windows.

Does anyone know if this is also possible in Ubuntu?

Solution 1:

Up to 14.04

There is a plugin for the GIMP, written by Nathan Osman.

You can add this plugin from his webptools PPA:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:george-edison55/webp

Then install the required package: gimp-webp Install gimp-webp

sudo apt-get install gimp-webp

As for thumbnails in nautilus, this seems to be a bug with MIME, as apparently (so I was told) Nautilus already "supports" the webp format, but the thumbnails do not show up as they should.

Solution 2:

Since 16.04

display image.webp

or for thumbnails

display 'vid:*.webp'

Imagemagick does support webp now, although it uses webp, so you need to install webp

sudo apt-get install webp