How can test I regular expressions using multiple RE engines? [closed]

How can I test the same regex against different regular expression engines?

The most powerful free online regexp testing tool is by far - lets you select the RE engine (PCRE, JavaScript, Python), has a debugger, colorizes the matches, explains the regexp on the fly, can create permalinks to the regex playground.

Other online tools:

  • - supports PHP and Perl PCRE, Posix, Python, JavaScript, and Node.js
  • - Inspired by jsfiddle, but for regular expressions. Supports JavaScript, Ruby and .NET expressions.
  • - powered by the XRegExp JavaScript library
  • - Ruby-based
  • Perl Regex Tutor - uses PCRE

Windows desktop tools:

  • The Regex Coach - free Windows application
  • RegexBuddy recommended by most, costs US$ 39.95

Jeff Atwood [wrote about regular expressions]( post:).

Other tools recommended by SO users include:

  • Online free tool to generate regular expressions for multiple language (@palmsey another thread)
  • The Added Bytes Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet (@GateKiller another thread)
  • - The Online .NET Regular Expression Tester. Not free.


I use Expresso ( It has a lot of nice features for the developer. The Regulator used to be my favorite, but it hasn't been updated in so long and I constantly ran into crashes with complicated RegExs.