DataBinding: How to get resource by dynamic id?

I know that it is possible to reference resources in layout by their resource id:


However, I would like to reference resource by id which is known only at runtime. As a simple example, imagine we have such model:

public class MyPOJO {

    public final int resourceId = R.string.helloWorld;


And now I need to use this value as a value in a format string. Let's call it

<string name="myFormatString">Value is: %s</string>

The most straightforward approach does not work:


This will just put integer value into placeholder (also it proves that I initialized my POJO correctly, so I'm not providing whole layout here).

I also tried using @BindingConversion, but it did not worked (which is actually expected, but I tried anyway) - int was still assigned to placeholder and binding method was not called.

How can I explicitly get resource by it's id in DataBinding library?

Another solution is to create a custom @BindingAdapter for it.

@BindingAdapter({"format", "argId"})
public static void setFormattedText(TextView textView, String format, int argId){
    if(argId == 0) return;
    textView.setText(String.format(format, textView.getResources().getString(argId)));

And then just provide the variables separately.


You could use an array if you need multiple arguments, but in my case, one was sufficient.

As of June 2016 this is possible in XML:

android:text= "@{String.format(@string/my_format_string, myPojo.resourceId)}"

You can use:

android:text='@{(id > 0) ? context.getString(id) : ""}'