How to check if data attribute exist with plain javascript?

I want to check if an HTML5 data attribute exists using plain javascript. I have tried the below code snippet, but it doesn't work.

if(object.getAttribute("data-params")==="undefined") {
   //data-attribute doesn't exist

Element.getAttribute returns null or empty string if the attribute does not exist.

You'd use Element.hasAttribute:

if (!object.hasAttribute("data-example-param")) {
    // data attribute doesn't exist

or Element.dataset (see also: in operator):

if (!("exampleParam" in object.dataset)) {
    // data attribute doesn't exist

or even

if (!object.getAttribute("data-example-param")) {
    // data attribute doesn't exist or is empty

Checking against null also yielded the solution.

if (object.getAttribute("data-example-param") === null) {
//data attribute doesn't exist
 //data attribute exists

You could as well just use the dataset API.


The HTMLElement.dataset read-only property allows access, both in reading and writing mode, to all the custom data attributes (data-*) set on the element. It is a map of DOMString, one entry for each custom data attribute.

Sadly this will not work in IE10 but i am pretty sure that there is a shim out there somewhere.

Here is an example

var containerData 	= document.querySelector('#container').dataset,
    contentData 	= document.querySelector('#content').dataset;

// Check if dataset is empty or not.
console.log(Object.keys(containerData).length === 0);
console.log(Object.keys(contentData).length === 0);

// Check for specific data
if (containerData.hasOwnProperty('bar')) {

// Here is the dataset
<div id="container" data-foo="bar" data-bar="foo">
  <div id="content">

The code you posted doesn't won't work as you expect, what you're doing here is checking if the attribute-value of the named attribute ("data-params") is equal to "undefined", which will return true only if the attribute is data-params="undefined".

if (object.getAttribute("data-params") === "undefined") {
   // the "data-params" attribute-value is exactly "undefined"
   // note that `getAttribute()` is a 

What I suspect you want to do is:

var typeOfObjectAttribute = typeof object.getAttribute("data-params");

if (typeOfObjectAttribute === null || typeOfObjectAttribute === "") {
   // data-params attribute doesn't exist on that Node.

Note that – according Mozilla Developer Network (at the reference for Element.getAttribute(), below) – states that:

getAttribute() returns the value of a specified attribute on the element. If the given attribute does not exist, the value returned will either be null or "" (the empty string)…

It's also worth noting that getAttribute() is a method of the Element nodes, rather than generic objects.

Incidentally, you could also use the following approach (again, testing that the attribute is not set):

// here we look to see if the 'params' key is present in the
// HTMLElement.dataset object of the element, and then invert
// that result using the '!' operator, to check that the
// attribute *isn't* present:
if (!('params' in document.getElementById('elementID').dataset)) {
    // the data-params attribute is not present.


  • Element.getAttribute().
  • HTMLElement.dataset.
  • in operator.
  • typeof operator.

Try using typeof:

if(typeof object.getAttribute("data-params") === "undefined") {
   console.log('data-attribute doesn't exist');