I need ps4 help purchased unauthorized games?

Can u return downloads....? My son took his grandmother's card without permission and used it. It totaled $470 ... please can I fix this.

Thank you

Solution 1:

You will have to contact the official Sony Support team. https://support.us.playstation.com/articles/en_US/KC_Article/Requesting-a-PlayStation-Store-Refund#sect1 explains how to do this.

Next up, you will probably want to remove the payment method from your PSN account so he can't do it again, set up a password for purchases (both are explained in the linked article). and thoroughly explain to your son that what he did was wrong. If you need advice on what to tell him and what punishments would be appropriate, there is a parenting stack exchange on this very site that will be able to help you with this (as this is off-topic for our site).