How to scroll to element in UWP
How can I scroll to specific position inside a scrollviewer?
<ScrollViewer x:Name ="MyScrollView" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Hidden" Height="500">
<StackPanel x:Name="ContentsPanel">
<TextBlock x:Name="someTb" Height="50">
<TextBlock x:Name="otherTb" Height="100">
I am trying to scroll to a specific element in my scrollviewer but I am new to UWP and I can't quite get it right how to do it.
I want to set the scroll position of MyScrollView in the second textblock on an event happening.
Solution 1:
A better solution is to use ChangeView
instead of ScrollToVerticalOffset
since the latter is obsolete in Windows 10.
MyScrollView.ChangeView(null, abosulatePosition.Y, null, true);
You can even enable scrolling animation by setting the last parameter to false
For the sake of completion, I've created an extension method for this.
public static void ScrollToElement(this ScrollViewer scrollViewer, UIElement element,
bool isVerticalScrolling = true, bool smoothScrolling = true, float? zoomFactor = null)
var transform = element.TransformToVisual((UIElement)scrollViewer.Content);
var position = transform.TransformPoint(new Point(0, 0));
if (isVerticalScrolling)
scrollViewer.ChangeView(null, position.Y, zoomFactor, !smoothScrolling);
scrollViewer.ChangeView(position.X, null, zoomFactor, !smoothScrolling);
So in this case, just need to call
Solution 2:
I found the answer
var transform = otherTb.TransformToVisual(ContentsPanel);
Point absolutePosition = transform.TransformPoint(new Point(0,0));
In UWP ScrollToVerticalOffset is obsolete so
should be used instead.