Can I use array_push on a SESSION array in php?

Solution 1:

Yes, you can. But First argument should be an array.

So, you must do it this way

$_SESSION['names'] = array();

Personally I never use array_push as I see no sense in this function. And I just use

$_SESSION['names'][] = $name;

Solution 2:

Try with

if (!isset($_SESSION['names'])) {
    $_SESSION['names'] = array();

Solution 3:

 array_push($_SESSION['total_elements'], $_POST["username"]);

Solution 4:

Yes! you can use array_push push to a session array and there are ways you can access them as per your requirement.

Basics: array_push takes first two parameters array_push($your_array, 'VALUE_TO_INSERT');. See: php manual for reference.

Example: So first of all your session variable should be an array like:

$arr = array(
    's_var1' => 'var1_value',
    's_var2' => 'var2_value'); // dummy array
$_SESSION['step1'] = $arr;     // session var "step1" now stores array value

Now you can use a foreach loop on $_SESSION['step1']

foreach($_SESSION['step1'] as $key=>$value) {
    // code here

The benefit of this code is you can access any array value using the key name for eg:

echo $_SESSION[step1]['s_var1']  // output: var1_value

NOTE: You can also use indexed array for looping like

$arr = array('var1_value', 'var1_value', ....);

BONUS: Suppose you are redirected to a different page You can also insert a session variable in the same array you created. See;

// dummy variables names and values
$_SESSION['step2'] = array(
    's_var3' => 'page2_var1_value',
    's_var4' => 'page2_var2_value');

$_SESSION['step1step2'] = array_merge($_SESSION['step1'], $_SESSION['step2']);

// print the newly created array
echo "<pre>";  // for formatting printed array
echo "<pre>";


// values are as per my inputs [use for reference only]
array(4) {
  string(7) "Testing"
  int(4) "2124"
  int(4) "2421"
  string(4) "test"

*you can use foreach loop here as above OR get a single session var from the array of session variables.

echo $_SESSION[step1step2]['s_var1'];

Hope this helps!