What is a word for a condition one is born with?

I want to say something like:

From Freud's perspective, sexual deviances are not [manifest in humans from birth / present in humans from birth].

I need a word that describes a condition that one is born with; specifying that the condition was present from birth.


(especially of a disease or physical abnormality) present from birth. (of a person) having a particular trait from birth or by firmly established habit.


adj. ... describing a condition that is recognized at birth or that is believed to have been present since birth. Congenital malformations include all disorders present at birth whether they are inherited or caused by an environmental factor....
Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary (9 ed.)

Consider innate (existing in one from birth; inborn; native)

Example: We do not know whether musical ability is innate or acquired.

Edit: I just realized that this word appears in @Josh61 "Inborn" definition.


  • existing from birth; congenital; innate

  • Existing naturally or by heredity rather than being learned through experience:

    • "Flight is an inborn skill; young birds don't have to learn how" (Marie Read).

(The Free Dictionary)

Congenital is my first choice, but if you want something more on the meta-physical level, consider inherent:

belonging to the basic nature of someone or something


Maybe you should go for :

innate: An innate quality or ability is one that you were born with, not one you have learned:


inherent :existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.


intrinsic : Of or relating to the essential nature of a thing. Situated within or belonging solely to the organ or body part on which it acts.


inborn : natural

P.S. : Definitions from Google Dictionary