What do you call a person who keeps talking about art; studies art, criticizes art, and thinks he'd be amazing with it. But he doesn't practice it

I've come across this word before. It's not "hypocrite". But the definition of the word was very specific. Basically it's an adjective, it's something you call a person who's really into art; like for example movies and film making.

He keeps talking about it, loves Stanley Kubrick or Jean Luc Godard. He studies the craft and technique, and he criticizes his colleagues' films. He thinks his taste is superior, and that if he given a chance, he would shake the industry. But in reality, he doesn't practice it. He's all talk, but no walk.

What do you call that person? (It also applies to other art forms like music. - "Our local musician sucks. He just does covers of John Mayer and Jason Mraz songs. That's why our music industry doesn't progress because of people like him. I listen to David Bowie and The Beatles, if I knew how to play a guitar, I would totally rock it out". ... )

Solution 1:

Dilettante, definitely:

A person who cultivates an area of interest, such as the arts, without real commitment or knowledge.

Source: Oxford Dictionaries.

Solution 2:

How about armchair artist or armchair expert?

From dictionary.com:

  1. theorizing without the benefit of practical experience: an armchair football coach.

  2. participating or experiencing indirectly or vicariously: an armchair traveler.

Macmillan English Dictionary:

  1. adj [only before noun] interested in a subject or activity, but lacking any practical experience of it: a magazine that is essential reading for armchair financial analysts

It's not as derogatory as the other suggestions posted so far. Often used in a self-deprecating manner.

Solution 3:

Such a person is a poseur.


a person who attempts to impress others by assuming or affecting a manner, degree of elegance, sentiment, etc., other than his or her true one.

Solution 4:

A few words come to mind.

  • "sciolist" (noun) - an amateur who engages in an activity without serious intentions and who pretends to have knowledge

  • "pretentious" (adj) - Claiming that or behaving as if one is important or deserving of merit when such is not the case

  • "bragger" (noun) one given to talking about oneself in a proud or self-impressed way.

Solution 5:

You can say such a person is a dabbler/dilettante.

Dabbler/dilettante - noun, an amateur who engages in an activity without serious intentions and who pretends to have knowledge.

https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/dabbler https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/dilettante