iOS - Disable mobile data download restrictions (in mobile data mode)

Solution 1:

iOS doesn't restrict data consumption in general sense. The data restrictions are present only for a few specific scenarios, such as downloading large apps and iOS updates and that too are in place only in mobile data mode and not when the device is connected to Wi-Fi network.

It should be understood that the that the restrictions are only in place while you are on mobile data. Though debatable, those are valid restrictions to keep the overall user experience for an average user smooth.

There is no way to work around the mobile data download restriction in iOS. The restrictions are in place not due to technical reasons but a policy to restrict a few users from hogging the mobile network thereby brining down the network for everyone. This is more about encouraging fair usage among the users in the network.

As far as app installation is involved, the cellular download limit is now increased to 150 MB from 100 MB (Source: Higher Limit for Over-the-Air Downloads). Updating iOS still require Wi-Fi connectivity.

The data saving options are kind of arbitrary and actually moot anyways. If you allow some app to use data (which is the default), that app can then download as much as it wants on mobile.

This observation is correct, but it still isn't as common a use-case as installing apps and updating iOS.

Solution 2:

Unfortunately there is currently no way to disable this. If you are wanting to add to the cause of having this restriction removed, you can submit feedback to Apple through this form: