Ubuntu Brainstorm site down/dead?

is http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com dead? I get redirected to http://community.ubuntu.com/ ? other references are dead as well. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Brainstorm/

This mailing list suggest the closure in May 2013: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-May/037100.html

But I couldn't find any official note. Please enlighten me :-)

Ubuntu Brainstorm was indeed shutdown/sunsetted. The data will be available to the community as soon as it's anonymized. There hasn't really been an announcement after that post.

I talked about Brainstorm a bit in this interview:

  • https://soundcloud.com/stack-exchange/stack-exchange-podcast-48

(Fast forward to 12:30 if you just want to listen to the part about Brainstorm).

The current place for feature requests and feedback is discourse.ubuntu.com.

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