How to convert int to QString?

Solution 1:

Use QString::number():

int i = 42;
QString s = QString::number(i);

Solution 2:

And if you want to put it into string within some text context, forget about + operator. Simply do:

// Qt 5 + C++11
auto i = 13;    
auto printable = QStringLiteral("My magic number is %1. That's all!").arg(i);

// Qt 5
int i = 13;    
QString printable = QStringLiteral("My magic number is %1. That's all!").arg(i);

// Qt 4
int i = 13;    
QString printable = QString::fromLatin1("My magic number is %1. That's all!").arg(i);

Solution 3:

Moreover to convert whatever you want, you can use QVariant. For an int to a QString you get:


A float to a string or a string to a float:


Solution 4:

Yet another option is to use QTextStream and the << operator in much the same way as you would use cout in C++:

QPoint point(5,1);
QString str;
QTextStream(&str) << "Mouse click: (" << point.x() << ", " << point.y() << ").";

// Mouse click: (5, 1).

Because operator <<() has been overloaded, you can use it for multiple types, not just int. QString::arg() is overloaded, for example arg(int a1, int a2), but there is no arg(int a1, QString a2), so using QTextStream() and operator << is convenient when formatting longer strings with mixed types.

Caution: You might be tempted to use the sprintf() facility to mimic C style printf() statements, but it is recommended to use QTextStream or arg() because they support Unicode strings.

Solution 5:

I always use QString::setNum().

int i = 10;
double d = 10.75;
QString str;

setNum() is overloaded in many ways. See QString class reference.