How do I get list of methods in a Python class?

An example (listing the methods of the optparse.OptionParser class):

>>> from optparse import OptionParser
>>> import inspect
>>> inspect.getmembers(OptionParser, predicate=inspect.ismethod)
[([('__init__', <unbound method OptionParser.__init__>),
 ('add_option', <unbound method OptionParser.add_option>),
 ('add_option_group', <unbound method OptionParser.add_option_group>),
 ('add_options', <unbound method OptionParser.add_options>),
 ('check_values', <unbound method OptionParser.check_values>),
 ('destroy', <unbound method OptionParser.destroy>),
  <unbound method OptionParser.disable_interspersed_args>),
  <unbound method OptionParser.enable_interspersed_args>),
 ('error', <unbound method OptionParser.error>),
 ('exit', <unbound method OptionParser.exit>),
 ('expand_prog_name', <unbound method OptionParser.expand_prog_name>),
# python3
>>> inspect.getmembers(OptionParser, predicate=inspect.isfunction)

Notice that getmembers returns a list of 2-tuples. The first item is the name of the member, the second item is the value.

You can also pass an instance to getmembers:

>>> parser = OptionParser()
>>> inspect.getmembers(parser, predicate=inspect.ismethod)

There is the dir(theobject) method to list all the fields and methods of your object (as a tuple) and the inspect module (as codeape write) to list the fields and methods with their doc (in """).

Because everything (even fields) might be called in Python, I'm not sure there is a built-in function to list only methods. You might want to try if the object you get through dir is callable or not.