REST: Updating Multiple Resources With One Request - Is it standard or to be avoided?

Solution 1:

You could PATCH the collection, e.g.

PATCH /items
[ { id: 1, name: 'foo' }, { id: 2, name: 'bar' } ]

Technically PATCH would identify the record in the URL (ie PATCH /items/1 and not in the request body, but this seems like a good pragmatic solution.

To support deleting, creating, and updating in a single call, that's not really supported by standard REST conventions. One possibility is a special "batch" service that lets you assemble calls together:

POST /batch
  { method: 'POST', path: '/items', body: { title: 'foo' } },
  { method: 'DELETE', path: '/items/bar' }

which returns a response with status codes for each embedded requests:

[ 200, 403 ]

Not really standard, but I've done it and it works.

Solution 2:

Updating Multiple Resources With One Request - Is it standard or to be avoided?

Well, sometimes you simply need to perform atomic batch operations or other resource-related operations that just do not fit the typical scheme of a simple REST API, but if you need it, you cannot avoid it.

Is it standard?

There is no universally accepted REST API standard so this question is hard to answer. But by looking at some commonly quoted api design guidelines, such as,, microsoft api design guide or IBM's REST API Conventions, which all do not mention batch operations, you can infer that such operations are not commonly understood as being a standard feature of REST APIs.

That said, an exception is the google api design guide which mentions the creation of "custom" methods that can be associated via a resource by using a colon, e.g., it also explicitly mentions batch operations as use case:

A custom method can be associated with a resource, a collection, or a service. It may take an arbitrary request and return an arbitrary response, and also supports streaming request and response. [...] Custom methods should use HTTP POST verb since it has the most flexible semantics [...] For performance critical methods, it may be useful to provide custom batch methods to reduce per-request overhead.

So in the example case you provided you do the following according to google's api guide:

POST /api/items:batchUpdate

Also, some public APIs decided to offer a central /batch endpoint, e.g. google's gmail API.

Moreover, as mentioned at, there is also the concept of a resource "store", in which you store and retrieve whole lists of items at once via PUT – however, this concept does not count for server-managed resource collections:

A store is a client-managed resource repository. A store resource lets an API client put resources in, get them back out, and decide when to delete them. A store never generates new URIs. Instead, each stored resource has a URI that was chosen by a client when it was initially put into the store.

Having answered your original questions, here is another approach to your problem that has not been mentioned yet. Please note that this approach is a bit unconventional and does not look as pretty as the typical REST API endpoint naming scheme. I am personally not following this approach but I still felt it should be given a thought :)

The idea is that you could make a distinction between CRUD operations on a resource and other resource-related operations (e.g. batch operations) via your endpoint path naming scheme.

For example consider a RESTful API that allows you to perform CRUD operations on a "company"-resource and you also want to perform some "company"-related operations that do not fit in the resource-oriented CRUD-scheme typically associated with restful api's – such as the batch operations you mentioned.

Now instead of exposing your resources directly below /api/companies (e.g. /api/companies/22) you could distinguish between:

  • /api/companies/items – i.e. a collection of company resources
  • /api/companies/ops – i.e. operations related to company resources

For items the usual RESTful api http-methods and resource-url naming-schemes apply (e.g. as discussed here or here)

POST    /api/companies/items
GET     /api/companies/items
GET     /api/companies/items/{id}
DELETE  /api/companies/items/{id}
PUT     /api/companies/items/{id}

Now for company-related operations you could use the /api/companies/ops/ route-prefix and call operations via POST.

POST    /api/companies/ops/batch-update
POST    /api/companies/ops/batch-delete
POST    /api/companies/ops/garbage-collect-old-companies
POST    /api/companies/ops/increase-some-timestamps-just-for-fun
POST    /api/companies/ops/perform-some-other-action-on-companies-collection

Since POST requests do not have to result in the creation of a resource, POST is the right method to use here:

The action performed by the POST method might not result in a resource that can be identified by a URI.

Solution 3:

As far as I understand the REST concept it covers an update of multiple resources with one request. Actually the trick here is to assume a container around those multiple resources and take it as one single resource. E.g. you could just assume that list of IDs identifies a resource that contains several other resources.

In those examples in Wikipedia they also talk about resources in Plural.