CentOS 6 and locale error

On the server you ssh from do you have a locale set via an environment variable? In looking at my CentOS 6 installation, the only locale that I can find supported is identified as en_US.utf8 (discovered using locale -a command). Could this be the problem?

In my testing, when I set the LC_ALL environment variable to en_US.UTF-8, ssh'd to the server, the output of my locale command was set to POSIX in my case. This the same as when I have NOT set (i.e. unset) the LC_ALL variable before ssh'ing.

When I set my LC_ALL variable to en_US.utf8 or en_US.utf-8, ssh'd to my CentOS 6 box, the output of the locale was the same as what was set on the source box.

Notice I used no caps for UTF also.

Solved this by disabling "Set locale environment variables on startup" in Terminal Settings > Advanced as per this screenshot.

enter image description here

NOTE: If you use iTerm2 you can disable the "Set locale variables automatically" option in Preferences > Profiles > Terminal

Simple way:



to /etc/sysconfig/i18n.