I encountered the same problem today with the same exact error message when trying to submit our app (using Xcode 7 beta 5) but instead of the instabug.bundle bit, it was for me TencentOpenApi_IOS_Bundle.bundle.

I solved the problem by finding the named bundle in the project then - just as the error message suggests - edited the Info.plist that is in the bundle by removing the CFBundleExecutable key. The CFBundlePackageType key was already set to BNDL so I didn't touch it.

After these changes I did Product > Clean and then had no problem submitting the app to the App store.

I hope this helps.

Encountered this with AviarySDK on Xcode 7 GM, while submitting to the App Store.

First I'd check to see whether you're on the latest version of your library - the vendor may have fixed this already. If you are still facing this problem however, as Sleiman describes you need to remove the CFBundleExecutable key from the plist file for the offending library.

Cmd + Shift + O and type "Info.plist", you can then find the appropriate file:

enter image description here

Once editing the plist, you may be seeing descriptive names (instead of the CFBundleExecutable and other keys. I couldn't edit this file in an external editor, so I had to switch to view raw keys/values by right-clicking on the list:

enter image description here

You can now see the CFBundleExecutable key (which has a description of "Executable file") which you can delete.

For AviarySDK I did this twice, once for each Info.plist seen in the above image, and was then able to successfully submit.

I solve this problem as follows: We have to remove all the "Executable files" of the following packages:

  • GooglePlus.bundle
  • GPPCommonSharedResources.bundle
  • GPPShareboxSharedResources.bundle

Be sure that "Bundle type code" is equal BNDL

Important: Do not edit anything in the info.plist the main project.

Attached screens as they should be his "info.plist" listed above each package.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Here's what worked for me

  1. Apple-Shift-F, search for CFBundleExecutable
  2. Click each one except "PODS" or your main target
  3. Delete it (delete key)

enter image description here