Do Redeads stay dead?

In Ocarina of Time, in the Castle Town Market after you are an adult, the Redeads will jump on you and kill you if you don't either run or kill them.

When they die, they collapse on the ground, but unlike other Zelda enemies, they don't disappear. Does this mean they could potentially get back up and kill me?

I don't remember any of them getting up again, and according to strategywiki, the corpse remains because the other ReDeads will walk there instead of trying to follow link (I actually never waited long enough to observe that).

You can make life much easier with ReDeads by playing the Sun's Song when you enter a room with these fellows, since that causes them to freeze for a while.

The question is amusing in itself since they aren't called RE-deads for no reason. They all respawn like most normal enemies.

IIRC, the Sun's Song won't keep them stunned forever, so if you're a bit edgy, you might want to just help them out of their misery so they won't come and attack you from behind when you're being all carefree (or careless :P)