What type of sword does Yoshimitsu use in Tekken: DR?

For one of my upcoming projects, I need to be able to create Yoshimitsu's sword, and if it varies from game-to-game, I'm talking about the one shown in Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, used by the more skeletal appearence. Some images can be seen here:

Yoshimitsu T5 Sword Yoshimitsu T5 Sword Yoshimitsu T5 Sword Yoshimitsu T5 Sword I'm looking for the exact historical type of sword used, so I can then research it.

By the way, before any downvotes, this is about the lore of the game.

From the Fandom Wiki for Yoshimitsu, it is mentioned a few times that the sword resembles that of a tachi that has been modified in different ways (presumably across the games like you've mentioned):

While his sword is always a Japanese sword and is the same sword passed down through many generations, it never keeps the same appearance and is usually depicted as a tachi, although modified in certain ways.

Below is an image of a tachi I found on the internet:


Image Source

It certainly looks like the sword used in the game except in the last picture, where Yoshimitsu's sword has a loop at the bottom of the grip. This is probably one of those modifications mentioned.