Certificate Template Missing from "Certificate Template to Issue"

Just wanted to throw this out there for future searchers who this doesnt apply to. For me, I had to go into ADSI Edit and change a flag from 2 to 10. I did have to restart ADCS service afterwards before the cert became available.

"...ADSIEdit.msc, then expand CN=Configuration | CN=Services | CN=Public Key Services | CN=Enrollment Services. Right click the CA in the right pane that you want to enroll from and click properties. Find the flags attribute; and verify that it is set to 10. If it isn’t set to 10, then set it to 10 using ADSIedit.msc and allow for Active Directory replication to complete."


Does the account that is looking to use the template have the rights to do so? in the mgmt console, right click the Certificate template container and select manage templates. For the missing template, right click and select properties. On the security tab, ensure the account that wants to request the cert has the right to enroll.