Process 'clamd' "not monitored"

Solution 1:

Please make sure you actually have a PID in the PID file you specify at: /var/run/clamav/

That's all monit is using to track this process, so make sure that you're using the right file and path, and that there's something people populated in the file upon subsequent restarts.

Solution 2:

You can check your clamd configuration: /etc/clamav/clamd.conf and check "PidFile" if you dont see that you have to add it:

PidFile /var/run/clamav/ 

and restart clamav:

service clamav-daemon restart

or you can configure mmonit service without pid file:

check process <PROCESS NAME>
        matching <PROCESS NAME>
        start program = "/etc/init.d/<PROCESS NAME> start"
        stop program = "/etc/init.d/<PROCESS NAME> stop"