What is the meaning of "to look like a square"?
I read this on The Oatmeal:
Hey, he is clapping along to the music! How quaint! I should too. I would not want to look like a square!
Another one:
You Won't Look Like a Square With B-Side's Cubic, Steam-Punk Jewelry
(Emphasis added.) Now, what does it mean by looking like a square? Amazingly, Google doesn't know what that means.
Solution 1:
A Google search for define:square gives me as one meaning
a formal and conservative person with old-fashioned views
which is what "square" means in your example.
Solution 2:
It began in the 1960's (I believe, or possibly earlier) and is the opposite of being "hip" or "with it". There is a definite negative connotation which is missing from Ex-user's Google definition.
Solution 3:
The antithesis of "hip". The Wikipedia article about it gets a bit rambling but captures the essentials.