Minecraft: score_name_min with score_name not working

So I was doing a command creation where I can create my own food in Minecraft.

One of my commands is this command, which is what I am talking about that is not working:

testfor @a[score_name_min=0,score_name=0]

The command block should say this if I am not tested, right?:

samplePlayer don't match the data structure... something like that

or if I am found, it should say:

Found samplePlayer

but instead of showing these responses, it shows none. Really none.

I also tried this using /give command, like this:

give @a[score_name_min=0,score_name=0] minecraft:carrot 1 0

but still the same, nothing happened. The command didn't respond, even though my score in objective name is 0.

My goal here is to get my exact score. Because if I just typed: testfor @a[score_name_min=0], the command will test every entity in the world who has a score of 0 or higher at objective name.

So can anyone help me, how can I make this work?

My main problem, to make the problem more specific, is to make score_name work, because every time I use score_name only, the command won't work.

Solution 1:

This was apparently a bug in 1.8.9, the version you used. It is fixed in 1.12.2.