Get point associated with Voronoi region (scipy.spatial.Voronoi)

Solution 1:

For your first question:

The issue is that there are N+1 regions (polygons) defined for the N points, and I'm not sure what this means.

This is because your vor.regions will always have an empty array. Something like

    [[],[0, 0],[0, 1],[1, 1]]

This is related to your second question:

Another thing I don't understand is why are there empty vor.regions stored? According to the docs: regions: Indices of the Voronoi vertices forming each Voronoi region. -1 indicates vertex outside the Voronoi diagram. What does an empty region mean?

By default Voronoi() uses QHull with options 'Qbb Qc Qz Qx' enabled ( This inserts a "point-at-infinity" which is used to improve precision on circular inputs. Therefore, being a "fake" point, it has no region. If you want to get rid of this, try removing the Qz option:

vor = Voronoi(points, qhull_options='Qbb Qc Qx')

Solution 2:

I was misreading the docs. It says:

point_region: Index of the Voronoi region for each input point.

and I was using point_region it as if it were the: "Index of the input point for each Voronoi region".

Instead of using:


the correct point coordinates for each region can be obtained with:

np.where(vor.point_region == i)[0][0]