What is the name of the background music in Atari 2600 Parachute

This game had a guy in a parachute falling down and the objective was to help him avoid all the hazards such as planes and birds

It had the same music looping in the background, with the scale of the music changing after every loop

This is the game I am talking about:

Surprisingly I can't find the name of the tune with a google search about the game, but I think I've heard it in other places so I'm sure it's a popular one

What is the name of the background tune?

Solution 1:

The tracks don't appear to have official names other than 'Background Music'. VGMusic.com simply calls them:

  • BGM 1
  • BGM 2
  • BGM 3

With each representing the different 'scales' that you hear in each screen. You can download them as MIDI files from the same source.

Solution 2:

The tune is a cover of the first part of the song The Longest Day by Paul Anka, from the movie of the same name

Information about this game seems to be hard to find so I haven't found any official statement that the game's background music is indeed a cover of this song, but the tunes are so similar that it's apparent they are the same

Here's an instrumental version