Rest Standard: Path parameters or Request parameters

Paths tend to be cached, parameters tend to not be, as a general rule.


GET /customers/bob


GET /customers?name=bob

The first is more likely to be cached (assuming proper headers, etc.) whereas the latter is likely not to be cached.

tl;dr: You might want both.

Item #42 exists:

GET /items/42
Accept: application/
--> 200 OK
    "id": 42,
    "bar": "baz"

GET /items?id=42
Accept: application/
--> 200 OK
        "id": 42,
        "bar": "baz"

Item #99 doesn't exist:

GET /items/99
Accept: application/
--> 404 Not Found

GET /items?id=99
Accept: application/
--> 200 OK

Explanations & comments

  1. /items/{id} returns an item while /items?id={id} returns an item-list.
  2. Even if there is only a single element in a filtered item-list, a list of a single element is still returned for consistency (as opposed to the element itself).
  3. It just so happens that id is a unique property. If we were to filter on other properties, this would still work in exactly the same way.
  4. Elements of a collection resource can only be named using unique properties (e.g. keys as a subresource of the collection) for obvious reasons (they're normal resources and URIs uniquely identify resources).
  5. If the element is not found when using a filter, the response is still OK and still contains a list (albeit empty). Just because we're requesting a filtered list containing an item that doesn't exist doesn't mean the list itself doesn't exist.

Because they're so different and independently useful, you might want both. The client will want to differentiate between all cases (e.g. whether the list is empty or the list itself doesn't exist, in which case you should return a 404 for /items?...).

Disclaimer: This approach is by no means "standard". It makes so much sense to me though that I felt like sharing.

PS: Naming the item collection "get" is a code smell; prefer "items" or similar.

Your second example of "request parameters" is not correct because "get" is included as part of the path. GET is the request type, it should not be part of the path.

There are 4 main types of requests:


GET requests should always be able to be completed without any information in the request body. Additionally, GET requests should be "safe", meaning that no significant data is modified by the request.

Besides the caching concern mentioned above, parameters in the URL path would tend to be required and/or expected because they are also part of your routing, whereas parameters passed in the query string are more variable and don't affect which part of your application the request is routed to. Although could potentially also pass a variable length set of parameters through the url:


A good book to read as a primer on this topic is "Restful Web Services". Though I will warn you to be prepared to skim over some redundant information.

I think it depends. One URL for one resource. If you want to receive that resource in a slightly different way, give it a query string. But for a value that would deliver a different resource, put it in the path.

So in your example, the variable's value is directly related to the resource being returned. So it makes more sense in the path.

The first variation is a little cleaner, and allows you to reserve the request parameters for things like sort order and page, as in;page=6