Another word for "tricked", but NOT in a negative context

The sentence I am trying to use this in:

Hopefully, having understood the terms above will have also tricked you into a better understanding of [irrelevant and arbitrary complex subject]"

The article I'm writing is somewhat inspired by the Randy Pausch's Last Lecture and the concept of Head-Fake teaching:

The second kind of head fake is the really important one— the one that teaches people things they don't realize they're learning until well into the process. If you're a head-fake specialist, your hidden objective is to get them to learn something you want them to learn.

Lecture Transcript

I am looking to replace the word tricked above with a different one. But most Synonym searches I've found result in words with negative connotation.

I can use either a single word substitution (preferred), or a multi-word phrase that conveys the same meaning. Specifically that the reader was "tricked" into learning one thing, when they thought they were learning simpler thing. But I don't want to convey negative intention like scammed or duped, etc.

Hopefully, having understood the terms above will have also led you into a better understanding of [irrelevant and arbitrary complex subject]


Hopefully, having understood the terms above will have also guided you into a better understanding of [irrelevant and arbitrary complex subject]


It can mean to influence by charm or by deception.

maneuver in the sense of: 3. To manipulate into a desired position or toward a predetermined goal:

maneuvered him into signing the contract.

Similarly there is a sense of seduce which also fits. See: To ​persuade or ​cause someone to do something that they would not usually ​consider doing by being very ​attractive and ​difficult to ​refuse:

I wouldn't ​normally ​stay in a ​hotel like this, but I was seduced by the ​fabulous ​location.

They were seduced into ​buying the ​washing ​machine by the ​offer of a ​free ​flight.