Year Division by Quarters: any terms to express halves of years or other parts of years?

Quarters divide years by four. I am looking for the terms dividing years by 2, 3 and 6.

Does there exists terms to express other parts of the years like quarters?

Yes, a quarter, or trimester is a period of 3 months (a quarter year).

Quarter: one fourth of a calendar or fiscal year: The bank sends out a statement each quarter.(

Trimester: a period of three or about three months; especially :any of three periods of approximately three months each into which a human pregnancy is divided

A semester is a period of six months (half a year).

Semester :a period of six months

A bimester is a sixth of a year (two months).

Bimester :a period of two months

A tertile or quadrimester is four months (a third of a year).

Quadrimester: A period of four months

Tertile: 1. (statistics) Either of the two points that divide an ordered distribution into three parts, each containing a third of the population. 2. (statistics) Any one of the three groups so divided. The first tertile results include January through April's revenues.

In American business usage, particularly in financial reports, the year is divided into either months or quarters. No other division is common enough to have been given a name except for half. "That merger is scheduled to close in the first half."

"Semester" and "trimester" are primarily, perhaps exclusively, academic terms and refer to divisions of a "school year," which is not generally 365 days. I cannot remember hearing those terms ever used in a commercial or financial context.

It is of course possible to find special terms, but they are not in frequent use. What is usually done is to specify a fraction of a year or a number of days, weeks, or months. One might say "a third of a year" or "four months." Fractions using sixths or twelfths are rare. Most would say "seven months" rather than "seven twelfths of a year."