What qualifies as "Magic"?

With the introduction of forging Sacred Seals, 3 new seals were added that are designed to reduce incoming damage from consecutive attacks.
One reduces damage from melee ranged, physical attacks. (Deflect Melee X applies to swords, lances, axes)
One reduces damage from long ranged, physical attacks. (Deflect Missle X applies to bows and daggers)
The third one, Deflect Magic X, just states "Magic".

I was wondering what qualifies as "magic" in the sense of this seal's damage reduction?
Namely, will this seal reduce damage from consecutive attacks made by tome users and dragonstone users (as both use the Res stat for damage calculation), or simply one or the other?

Solution 1:

It works on all tomes, but not staffs or breath attacks. Also, the user must be hit twice in a row, without countering in between.

Healers not affected

Tome users only

Doesn't affect dragons
