Dual-booting Chrome OS and Ubuntu 13.04 on a PC

Is it possible to install Chrome OS and Ubuntu 13.04 on a x86 System (Core 2 Duo)?

Solution 1:

Here are some general steps to take to dual boot Chrome OS and Ubuntu 13.04. I am also including some steps if you would like Windows on here as well.

Install Ubuntu First

Before installing Ubuntu, make a clean MSDOS Partition table. You should be able to do this with gparted in Ubuntu (Go to Dash and search for it). When installing Ubuntu, make sure to select "Something Else". (If you want Windows, for your partitions, parition a drive for Windows, but do not use /dev/sda1)

Install Chromium OS Second

When installing Chromium OS, install to a USB first, and then copy the contents of the USB through gparted in Ubuntu to the hard drive. Make sure to put the partition (C-STATE) on /dev/sda

Install Windows Third (if triple booting)

Install Windows to whatever partition you made when installing Ubuntu earlier.

Final Steps

Boot into live Ubuntu and re-install grub. Do not boot into the Ubuntu that you installed.

Lastly, boot into Ubuntu on the hard drive and run sudo update-grub in Terminal.

When you restart, you should see the two (or three) operating systems that you installed in the boot loader.