Audio Stutter in in ubuntu 12.04

After upgrading to precise my audio is stuttering. It is happening, in VLC, mplayer, and anything streaming from the internet. I followed the procedures in but nothing has helped so far. There is the problem that the driver version is out of date but it does not seem to want to update with the given commands.

$ bash --stdout |grep version
Driver version:     1.0.24
Library version:    1.0.25
Utilities version:  1.0.25

How can I upgrade the driver and fix the stuttering?

Solution 1:

Once it stutters I always got rid of this problem by killing/restarting pulseaudio.

  1. sudo killall pulseaudio
  2. sudo pulseaudio --system=1 --daemonize
  3. Close and re-open chromium

Solution 2:

I followed the answer/tutorial in How to solve jitter (or stutter) playback via Chrome flash plugin? and now playback seems to work again:

  1. Go to chrome://plugins in Chrome.

  2. Activate the details by clicking on the "+"-sign which you find on the top, right side.

  3. Deactivate the Chrome flash plugin: On my system it is located in /opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash/

  4. Use the one which is installed together with Mozilla Firefox: On my system it is located in /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/

Unfortunately I would not entitle this as a solution for your problem. It is more a workaround until the problems with the original Chrome flash plugin are solved. But until then you are still able to use your Chrome browser.