How to set multiple file entry and output in project with webpack?

How to set multiple file entry/output in project with webpack?

I follow success compile if only one file in one entry/output...



how to output like this?



module.exports = {
  entry: {
  output: {

    // if only one file
    // entry: "./assets/javascripts/Administrator/Article/Create/Base.js",
    // output: {
    //     // path: __dirname,
    //     path: "./assets/javascripts/Administrator/Article/Create/",
    //     filename: "bundle.js"
    // }

For many entry points use arrays as a value of entry property:

entry: {
  app: ['./app/main.js', '.lib/index.js'],
  vendors: ['react']

app and vendors are arrays, so you can put there as many file paths as you need.

For output case:

output: {
  path: staticPath,
  filename: '[name].js'

The [name] is taken from entry properties, so if we have app and vendors as properties, we got 2 output files - app.js and vendors.js.

Documentation link

If you want to output to multiple directories, you can use the path as the entry name. For example if you want this directory structure:

├── dir1
│   └── js
│       ├── main.js [entry 1]
│       └── bundle.js [output 1]
└── dir2
    ├── index.js [entry 2]
    └── foo.js [output 2]

Then try this in your module.exports:

  entry: {
    'dir1/js/bundle': path.resolve(__dirname, '/apps/dir1/js/main.js'),
    'dir2/foo' : path.resolve(__dirname, '/apps/dir2/index.js')
  output: {
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, '/apps'),
    filename: '[name].js'