Can an stasised oponent be executed by a Mutons execute ability?

Todays challange just looks awesome, you have a squad of psi operatives and templas supported by a squad of heavy advent infatry.

The Muton has the Execute ability, which I luckily never encoutnered in the battlefield before. It kills an adjacent stunned unit instantly (Not mentioning of dealing damage). So stasis makes the target imune of receiving damage, but not literaly saying giving immunity to die.

And as that ability is the only one I can see in the current squad, that could give any means of stun, at all. But as I only can do the challange once, I don't jsut want to try it out and fail if it doesn't work,

So would a Muton be able to execute an stasised opponent?

Solution 1:

No. This does not follow the rules of the game as they are shown to the user:

Stasis does not specify that the target gets stunned. The Stunned status modifier is not applied to characters that are in stasis. Stasis is a different status modifier than Stunned.

but not literaly saying giving immunity to die

Contrary to games like e.g. Hearthstone, death (which HS calls "destroy") is not separate from taking damage. In XCOM, death only occurs through the act of taking damage. If you can't take damage, you therefore can't die.

Even disregarding the portrayed rules and simply thinking about it; what makes you think that the target of a stasis is actually stunned? They could be perfectly aware of everything that is happening.

Solution 2:

As I couldn't wait to do the challenge, I just gave it a try and figured out, placing the Muton next to a stasised unit and granting him an additional action through inspire, definitely didn't unlock any kind of ability or reaction that harmed the stasised unit in any way. So no, stasis doesn't count for fulfilling the mutons execute requirements.