How to make Ysolda ride horse (Horses for followers mod)?

I use Horses for followers mod, it works great, tried with Lydia. Now I made Ysolda my follower (she's a non-follower NPC in Whiterun) and she doesn't want to ride her horse. What can be the difference between Ysolda and Lydia? Anybody can tell me what to change?

AFAIK, Horses for followers mod works only for vanilla followers, meaning if you make any NPC that isn't a follower become your follower or adding additional follower into the game, this mod will not work.

Source: Experience. Installed mod and Dawnguard DLC. Serena won't ride horse with me :(

Turns out this actually works with Ysolda =)

It just took time for her to get on the horse for the first time, but now it works great with my v1.8.x.x copy of Skyrim.