How do I kill the sandworm?

In 'Dune : The Battle for Arrakis' for Sega Genesis, a sandworm seems to randomly come and eat units that stay too long on the sand. They also seem to have a health bar and can be targeted and shot at. However, I have never been able to shoot them till their health bar drops down to zero. They are too fast and always get away before that happens. However, next time I see a sandworm it always seems to have a full health bar. I am not even sure if it's always the same sandworm with a rejuvenated health bar or a different sandworm every time.

Is it possible to destroy the sandworm? I could only find speculations on Google, so I was wondering if someone has been able to do it.

The worm doesn't die, you can only bring it to 1/2 of its health and then it disappears. It's best to just leave them alone


Best way is to position your units along the edge of rock - if the sandworm comes along they'll attack automatically. It does have a lot of health but will eventually be chased off while you concentrate on base building and raising your army.