Why do we use decimal system? [duplicate]

Why do we use decimal system?

Some people give the answer that we have 10 fingers and it is therefore convenient for us to use decimal system, but I am not satisfy with this as I think this is too rough. Are there more reasonable or scientific explanation about why do we use decimal system or what are the advantages of using decimal system? Thank you.

There is no definite reason as to why the system chosen was the decimal system. A long time ago, every civilization had their own numeral system. The Egyptians used the decimal system, the Babylonians used a sexagesimal (base-60) system, some used a base-20 system (fingers and toes), and others counted 1, 2, 3, and anything 4 or greater was just "many". The consensus upon the decimal system was probably due to either the ease of use or that it was the first numeral system to come up with easily used symbols for arithmetic.