Windows 10 select default login option

I have created a PIN to make logging in on my laptop a bit faster. Now the problem is, that, by default, my laptop asks me for my password. This is somewhat annoying, since it takes 2 clicks to switch to the pin. I have to do this every first time i unlock my pc. When it was in locked mode, it remembers the last selected login option. But after a boot this somehow is forgotten again.

(Maybe important: I disabled the required authentification on boot time, so that a pwd/pin is only required after it was locked)

Can i set the "default login option" somewhere?

I've had the same problem since installing Win 10 and the issue has persisted across multiple Insider builds. As far as I can tell from my research, this is either a bug or is the expected behavior. The only good reference I have on this is from Microsoft Community:

It's three mostly-useless pages, but as per the latest comments from January, others seem to be experiencing the same behavior and there is no known way to change it.