Is it possible to get back data from a Micro SD which is unresponsive?

I have a 2 GB Micro SD card. It was working very fine before few months ago and when I changed the phone I got a new one with that so I didn't use my Old one for a while. But few days ago I need some old data from that card and I inserted it in my laptop and it is giving me error (As shown in picture).

enter image description here

enter image description here

I tried out this link but it couldn't help me.

PCInspector has a tool (Smart Recovery) that can recover data from memory cards. In my experience it works pretty well. It only searches for image files, though. If you're looking for other file types (ie, you use this SD card as a memory stick) PCInspector has another file recovery utility that has worked for me pretty well.

They are both free (as in beer).