How can I open notepad as Admin only using Win + R window?

Solution 1:

Run Once as Admin

The command syntax you want to use is:

runas /user:<localmachinename>\administrator notepad

NOTE: Designating the machine name is optional. It works like this too:

runas /user:administrator notepad

Substitute administrator for the account name that has admin access. You will need to authenticate using this process.

As @EBGreen suggested in the comments, you can save the credential on the first execution and avoid reentering it on subsequent calls. This option only lasts for the existing logon session:

runas /user:administrator /savecred notepad


Always Run As Admin

You can also set it so that all programs run in admin mode. This is typically not recommended as UAC exists for a reason, but if you're so inclined follow the steps here:

Always Run as Administrator

Solution 2:

As far as I know, this task will be started with Admin rights if it is started using WinKey+R when UAC is disabled

enter image description here

Anyway, you can do the same if you press WinKey key, type notepad in the Search field and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter

Solution 3:

If you don't mind using a third party program, there are several programs named elevate.exe written by different people. These programs work (mostly) like this:

elevate.exe notepad.exe

and then a UAC dialog pops up. Confirm it and your notepad has admin privilege.

Here's a blog post about this:

Solution 4:

The runas method often suggested has a major problem - it requires the use of a different account (Administrator), with the associated different profile. Administrator also happens to default to disabled. Running as any other standard administrative account actually uses the UAC-restricted token, defeating the purpose.

It is possible to elevate as your current user purely through the command line without third-party tools, though it's a little more complicated. One way is through the PowerShell Start-Process commandlet. The full invocation is:

Start-Process -Verb "runas" notepad.exe

Shortening it, we can get:

start -verb runas notepad.exe

Running it from the command line, or from the Run dialog:

powershell -c start -verb runas notepad.exe

It's also possible to save a script that can be run simply as elevate, like in AgreeOrNot's answer - which, again, doesn't require any third-party tools.