How to merge APFS volumes because of low perfomance

Recently I bought a used MacBook Pro 15' with a i7 2,3 GHz processor, 16 GB RAM and 512 SSD total. But the machine runs very horribly. It's performance is nothing like you'd expect with this setup. I can't have Chrome opened with Sketch since it all gets very laggy and horrible. Normal interactions run very slowly, like opening launchpad, option+tab to a full size screen, and so on.

The machine came with a Boot Camp volume. I didn't erase it with native Boot Camp Assistant, but went to Disk Utility and erased it in it, after restoring the notebook to factory settings. But, I couldn't manage to merge the three volumes it had.

  • Macintosh HD
  • Home
  • Container disk1

The Macintosh Volume is the one I use, where I install and keep all my stuff. The "Home" one is APFS and filled with 130 GB of I don't know what. The other one, Container disk1, APFS as well, has the same amount of storage as the other two but it's empty.

I've been searching ways to merge them all wondering it will improve my notebook perfomance a whole bunch. I have no idea whats lowering my perfomance and what is filling the other volume. I do not have another user too.

I am attaching some screen shots here, if it helps a thing.

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The partitions should have nothing to do with performance issues, I have the same computer and three partitions on the disk as well. I would run the hardware test that is mentioned above and you can also try resetting the NVRAM ( and you can try resetting the SMC as well ( Apple recommends resetting the NVRAM/PRAM first and then resetting the SMC. I normally find resetting the SMC to do the trick though. Also, don’t worry, neither of these will hurt your computer if they do not work.