VBA: How long does On Error Resume Next work?


The effec5 of ON ERROR ... ends as soon as one of the following is encountered:

  1. Another ON ERROR .... (Maybe in the form of ON ERROR RESUME x or ON ERROR GOTO x)
  2. Exit Sub / Exit Function within the same sub/function where defined.
  3. End Sub / End Function of the sub/function where defined.


Yes and No.

I would say don't use without knowing what the effect of this statement would be. Avoid if possible. Keep the scope short wherever not possible.

To nullify the effect of an ON ERROR RESUME NEXT statement, you can call ON ERROR GOTO 0

You only want to use "On Error Resume Next" when

  1. You know why the error occurs.

  2. You know that it will not affect other parts of the code.

  3. You use "On Error Goto 0" immediately after the code where the error occurs.

Having said that, you should almost NEVER use it. You should figure out why the error occurs and code to handle it.

What the website is saying is that once your are out of the sub or function that called it the resume next will no longer be in affect and your errors will raise as they should.

A better alternative is to use goto in this fashion. But some people frown on this almost as much.

sub SomeSub()
    On Error Goto TestFailed

    'Some code

    'Some code

    'Some code

Exit sub

    'Some code here to alert you to and/or handle the fallout of the error.
End sub

To answer your question "How long does On Error Resume Next work?"

The answer is: until the next definition of On error ...

So if you define an On error resume next, it will skip every error until you define a On error goto 0 or On error goto label